Dr Pepper Energy

May 22nd, 2021

Take Dr Pepper, bung some caffeine in it, and market it as an energy drink… and there you go! It really is just Dr Pepper but not suitable for children. There’s nothing else quite like Dr Pepper, so it does obviously have to get full marks for originality. They haven’t skimped on the sugar either, so you get a full kick out of this can. There is one caveat here though: this is a US import and not available in the UK apart from specialist import sites.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
Calories: 45kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: A Taste of the States
Web Site:

Monster Juice Pacific Punch

May 16th, 2020

A great big sugary hit of Monster’s tropical blend… they have a lot of tropical blends and this one is particularly sweet but not synthetic. It’s genuinely quite fruity!

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 33mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 45.8kCal/100ml
Size: 480ml
Sold By: USA Somewhere...?
Web Site:

5-hour Energy Orange

July 21st, 2018

It says 5 hours on the bottle, but this beauty got me through a 6 hour drive along the M4 on a busy bank holiday Friday evening. As you’d expect from a shot, it’s more about the instant caffeine hit whilst minimising bladder impact than the flavour which makes it a perfect driving companion.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 350mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 11kCal/100ml
Size: 57ml
Sold By: Whole Foods NYC
Web Site:

Red Bull Summer Edition (Coconut Berry)

July 14th, 2018

I discovered this is a convenience store in New York, flossing over it originally when seeing The Summer Edition thinking I’d already tried it… then I noticed it was Coconut Berry not Lime. Weird combo, but it works! They’ve left the coconut subtle and the berry compliments it nicely, very refreshing indeed and like no drink I’ve tried before.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 45kCal/100ml
Size: 355ml
Sold By: New York
Web Site:

365 Liquid Energy Shot: Pomegranate

July 7th, 2018

Pomegranate flavoured drinks are alway approached with apprehension by me. I usually find them too bitter and especially in shot form. I was pleasantly surprised that this one wasn’t too bitter! Don’t get me wrong, is was still bitter, but nowhere near as strong as I’d imagined.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 169.5mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 42.37kCal/100ml
Size: 59ml
Sold By: Whole Foods, NYC
Web Site:

365 Liquid Energy Shot: Mandarin Orange

June 9th, 2018

Given the specific mandarin declaration I was expecting something a little sweeter than your average bitter shot, but sadly that wasn’t the case. It’s not bad for a shot but it’s still on the bitter side.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 169.5mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 42.37kCal/100ml
Size: 59ml
Sold By: Whole Foods NYC
Web Site:

Arizona Water Melon Natural Energy

October 14th, 2017

I discovered this at an import store in Glasgow. There were a number of flavours available but I didn’t have the room to carry all of them so plucked for this number. It’s ok, but very sugary – the flavour was bitter but interesting and I’d love to give the other flavours a go if I stumble into them again.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 33mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 39kCal/100ml
Size: 458ml
Sold By: The Big Candy Store, Glasgow
Web Site:

Red Bull Purple Edition Sugar Free

August 19th, 2017

It’s sugar free! That’s the best bit to start with. It’s flavoured with Acai Berry, and that’s a difficult flavour to pin down in terms of a description but I’ll try. To me it tasted like mixed berries (raspberries, blackcurrants) with a slight bitterness and tang added in similar to what you’d get from a tropical drink. Because this was an American drink, it was in a larger can than we’d expect in the UK, but I liked this drink overall and I hope that Red Bull start bringing their new editions over here.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 4kCal/100ml
Size: 355ml
Sold By: 7-Eleven, San Francisco
Web Site:

Red Bull – Edicion Limon (Lime)

August 12th, 2017

You can definitely tell that this is a premium lime flavoured drink – it lacks the ‘lime cordial’ taste of most of the other cheaper brands. Sadly, I didn’t find this very refreshing though which is a real shame. I could also only find this in Spanish, so I’m not sure if there’s an English language label out there either, but whatever the case it’s a member of the Red Bull family now.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
Calories: 45kCal/100ml
Size: 355ml
Sold By: La La Land, Hollywood Blvd
Web Site: