This was gifted to me by a family member from Germany. I’m reliably informed that “this is what all of the computer geeks drink in Germany”… so the look of the drink is very similar to Red Bull or any other caramel-coloured energy drink really. When you pour it out of the bottle it froths up, like beer does, and it has a head that hangs around for quite a while! For me though the taste wasn’t great. I found it quite bitter and, well, basically it’s a fizzy cup of cold tea. If you aren’t in to the sweetness of energy drinks then this might be a great alternative for you.
Virtue. Clean energy. Healthy sounding. Healthy tasting. I think the peach is a bit too sharp to be nice personally, and they needed to ramp up the sweetness from the raspberry a bit I didn’t particularly enjoy this variety of Virtue due to that, but maybe it has its fans somewhere? It of course contains Yerba Mate (clue is in the name) which is a form of herbal tea from a South American plant related to holly according to Wikipedia! This is where the caffeine component of the drink comes from.