Tornado: Active

January 2nd, 2016

It’s an average tropical energy drink. Very sweet and sticks to the teeth but other that that I can’t say it’s very special at all.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 30mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 54kCal/100ml
Size: 500ml
Sold By: One Stop
Web Site: Click here

Tornado: Storm

December 12th, 2015

It’s  large can of ordinary. Tornado Storm is just a clone-style energy drink, and tastes exactly like many other budget drinks out there. It’s sweet, not sour, and quite sickly.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 30mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 55kCal/100ml
Size: 500ml
Sold By: One Stop
Web Site: Click here

Monster Rehab Peach Tea + Energy

November 28th, 2015

This drink contains two flavours which disagree considerably with my taste buds, namely peach and tea. Fortunately the tea taste is not so prominent, but the peach is strong and sickly. It’s also a non-carbonated beverage which seems to add to the sickliness. I can’t recommend this.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 34.5mg/100ml Tags:
, , , , , , ,
Calories: 2.2kCal/100ml
Size: 458ml
Sold By:
Web Site: Click here

Monster Ultra Citron

November 21st, 2015

A complete winner. Zero calories and a fresh citrus taste. It’s not as harsh as lemon, and not too sweet. A very smooth and refreshing drink which packs a decent caffeine kick. Definitely one for sporty energy drink drinkers.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 32mg/100ml Tags:
, , , ,
Calories: 0kCal/100ml
Size: 473ml
Sold By:
Web Site: Click here

Monster Ultra Blue

November 14th, 2015

I can’t figure out what flavour this drink is. There are definitely citrus notes to it, possibly slightly tropical, but it’s certainly not the blueberry burst I was expecting. It’s quite sickly after a while, so not that refreshing, and has a certain Mountain Dew “White Out” taste to it.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 29.6mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 0kCal/100ml
Size: 473ml
Sold By:
Web Site: Click here

Monster Ultra Sunrise

November 7th, 2015

Orange flavoured, I think. It’s a really light and fresh flavour, which is definitely in the citrus zone. It’s very much like a flavoured water which makes it refreshing and thirst quenching. With zero calories, it’s also less likely to damage your diet too. Probably the most unusual thing about this drink though is the textured can. While you are drinking it, the nobbly bobbly lumps all over the can give you quite a good grip on it and certainly assure you of a quality product.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 31.7mg/100ml Tags:
, , , ,
Calories: 0kCal/100ml
Size: 473ml
Sold By:
Web Site: Click here

Monster Extra Strength Nitrous Super Dry

October 31st, 2015

Possibly going for a record in drink name length, this nitrogen infused energy drink is pretty good. It’s in a larger can than average (355ml) and tastes like a smoother version of regular Monster. The bubbles are somewhat smaller, giving it a less abrasive carbonated feel. I assume the smaller bubbles are caused by the use of nitrogenated water (not nitrous oxide because that wouldn’t be too good for you, or indeed help you stay awake). The energy hit is pretty massive too and this has to go down as one of the top drinks on this site for that alone. Sweet, calorific, and packing a punch.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 45mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 45kCal/100ml
Size: 355ml
Sold By:
Web Site: Click here

POSI+IV – Peach and Lime

October 17th, 2015

Peach and Lime should never be combined. Ever. It just doesn’t work, and what you end up with is some sort of drink that doesn’t know if it’s supposed to be sharp, sour, sweet, or bitter. It’s the taste equivalent of mixing all of your paints together to get brown.

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 30mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 62kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: B&M
Web Site: Click here

Black Vitamin Energy Blueberry

September 26th, 2015

There’s no official value on the can for caffeine content, hence I’ve guessed it at being as low as possible. This is branded as being a health drink, containing natural pick-me-ups such as guarana, magnesium, vitamin B6 and others. It tastes okay too so far as health-branded drinks go, but that’ll probably be because of all the sugar (not so healthy after all!).

Overall Rating:
Visitor Ratings:
Caffeine: 1mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 48kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: Tesco
Web Site: