A tangy and sharp tasting tropical energy drink. Nothing particularly special but it packs a punch in terms of flavour and a decent hit of caffeine too.
This was brought back for me from Canada and the can proudly declares its Canadianness in many places! Taste-wise it’s basically what you’d expect from a generic-brand energy drink – sweet, tart and sickly. What I do find very interesting though is the use of grape juice listed in the ingredients. It’s not often you see actual fruit listed in the ingredients of what is usually a “mixed fruit” flavoured drinks so it has got me thinking, is the main fruit used in other generic energy drinks actually grape?? This might be a mystery solved here…
Shots are normally bitter and hang around on your tastebuds nastily for a while, but this one was surprisingly better than usual. It is sweet (although you can detect the harsh undertones of a traditional energy shot) and fruity, and woke me up pretty quickly. That’ll be the caffeine at work there, because this shot is sugar-free.
Taste: | Originality: | ||
Strength: | Visitor Ratings: | ||
Caffeine: | 350mg/100ml |
Tags: Canada, Low Calorie, Raspberry, Shots |
Calories: | 7kCal/100ml | ||
Size: | 57ml | ||
Sold By: | 7 Eleven, Vancouver | ||
Web Site: |
Once again, purchased just for the name! It’s a clone, but one with amusing packaging 🙂 Only available in Canada!
I have no idea who this Gronk guy is, and the labelling on the can doesn’t do much to help me either… so over to Google and it turns out he’s a footballer of the American variety. I’m guessing there’s some sort of sponsorship tie-in here then… trying the drink out, it’s basically a slightly tweaked regular Monster energy drink, like the one with the green M on the can but probably a little less sweet tasting. It was nice to try, but really not worth the special edition labelling.
This cherry flavoured drink is really nice – but it does need to be drunk whilst cool. Once it starts to warm up it becomes a little sickly.
Taste: | Originality: | ||
Strength: | Visitor Ratings: | ||
Caffeine: | 31mg/100ml |
Tags: Canada, Cherry, Large Can, Low Calorie |
Calories: | 2kCal/100ml | ||
Size: | 473ml | ||
Sold By: | Safeway, Vancouver | ||
Web Site: |
It’s a clone! If I’d purchased this in the UK I’d have expected to find it in a budget shop costing only a few pence, but as I purchased this in Vancouver it cost a fortune! It’s really quite strong and sugary, and sparked me into life very quickly, but given its competition of the bigger brands it just doesn’t compare on taste.
Just a pleasant smooth orange energy drink. Nothing special about it, but it has the expected Mountain Dew feel to it.
I have to admit, this drink was purchased mainly for the interesting name… <insert innuendo here>. It’s quite sickly and not refreshing, the fruit punch flavour being very strong.
Taste: | Originality: | ||
Strength: | Visitor Ratings: | ||
Caffeine: | 37.6mg/100ml |
Tags: Canada, Large Can, Low Calorie, Punch |
Calories: | 0kCal/100ml | ||
Size: | 473ml | ||
Sold By: | Safeway, Vancouver | ||
Web Site: | Click here |