
May 27th, 2017

This drink is dangerous! Pay careful attention to the caffeine content labelled on the can and the associated warning text. A regular can of Red Bull contains 32mg of caffeine per 100ml of drink, Spike contains more than three times that amount making this a very potent cocktail. Ok, so it genuinely has zero calories, but there is a warning on the can advising you to drink just half a can in order to assess your tolerance to it. It *will* wake you up, and in my case give you a headache which is unusual for me! I followed the instructions, consuming half a can first, waiting about 8 hours before having the rest and I’d suggest anyone else trying this drink also be cautious. It does taste pretty good though – it’s a smooth mixed berry flavour from what I can tell and it’s balanced about right.

Overall Rating:
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Caffeine: 118mg/100ml Tags:
, ,
Calories: 0kCal/100ml
Size: 250ml
Sold By: 7-Eleven, San Francisco
Web Site: Click here