Lucozade Revive – Strawberry and Lime

June 29th, 2013

The strawberry and lime combination don’t work for me. The strawberry suffers from the sharpness of the lime, and the lime suffers from the chewy flavour of strawberry. There’s also not enough caffeine in this to be of any use in quenching my caffeine addiction so it’s little more than a thirst quencher. Original in flavour, I’ll give it points for that, but the execution isn’t as nice as the bottle looks. *Note, I’ve estimated the caffeine content as the product contains too little for them to mark it as high and state the actual content.

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Caffeine: 2mg/100ml Tags:
, , ,
Calories: 13kCal/100ml
Size: 380ml
Sold By: Tesco
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