Now this is much more inline with what you would expect from a tropical flavoured drink: mango, apricot and ‘tropical’ according to the details on the can. I’m a bit concerned about the random ‘tropical’ item in that list, I’m non-the-wiser as to what that might actually be, but there’s no mistaking the tangy and sharp tropical flavouring you’ll be familiar with from every other tropical drink out there.
Smooth and fruity! I really enjoyed this, it was refreshing and interesting without getting too sickly I’d definitely get this one again. Conveniently the can says that this is watermelon and strawberry flavour and I reckon the strawberry is what’s making this so good.
Taste: | Originality: | ||
Strength: | Visitor Ratings: | ||
Caffeine: | 31.5mg/100ml |
Tags: Large Can, Low Calorie, Strawberry, UK, Watermelon |
Calories: | 1kCal/100ml | ||
Size: | 500ml | ||
Sold By: | Iceland | ||
Web Site: |
This is basically WKD Blue, hopefully without the alcohol though. If you’re after a flavour description then WKD Blue is the closest I can think of. It’s slightly sharp and refreshing, not like your normal blue raspberry, definitely a lot more like WKD than anything else!
Taste: | Originality: | ||
Strength: | Visitor Ratings: | ||
Caffeine: | 21.5mg/100ml |
Tags: Berry, Large Can, Low Calorie, UK |
Calories: | 1kCal/100ml | ||
Size: | 500ml | ||
Sold By: | Iceland | ||
Web Site: |
It’s a tropical energy drink! Not too tangy, quite smooth really and the passionfruit is the main flavour rather than the peach (is peach a tropical fruit? I don’t think it is…). A large can, low in calories, best served chilled because it gets a bit sickly as it warms up.
Taste: | Originality: | ||
Strength: | Visitor Ratings: | ||
Caffeine: | 31.5mg/100ml |
Tags: Large Can, Low Calorie, Passionfruit, Peach, Tropical, UK |
Calories: | 1kCal/100ml | ||
Size: | 500ml | ||
Sold By: | Iceland | ||
Web Site: |
A chance visit to Iceland (the shop, sadly not the country) flagged up an expansion of the Furocity energy drink range so of course I had to try them. I’ve decided to start with Lemon Blast because I love lemon drinks. Helpfully, all of the Furocity drinks provide a proper description of the flavour on the can amongst the small print, so this one is actually lemon, lime and mint. You can’t directly taste the mint but what it does is give the drink a slight freshness that balances out the sourness of the citrus fruits. This means it doesn’t need to be as sweet as most other lemon drinks are. I’d say they have found an interesting and winning way of cutting sugar!
You can taste the watermelon, but it’s quite bitter which I’m guessing is the guava. Sadly I couldn’t taste the chilli which might have added a unique kick to the drink, but still it was a bit unusual all the same.
Taste: | Originality: | ||
Strength: | Visitor Ratings: | ||
Caffeine: | 32mg/100ml |
Tags: Chilli, Guava, Large Can, UK, Watermelon |
Calories: | 19kCal/100ml | ||
Size: | 500ml | ||
Sold By: | Poundland | ||
Web Site: |
A reasonably decent tropical drink branded with the Dragons’ Den star’s now iconic name! Apart from the branding, there isn’t too much that stands out about the product. It was a good price for a large can and contained real fruit juice too which I guess is a bonus.
A tangy and sharp tasting tropical energy drink. Nothing particularly special but it packs a punch in terms of flavour and a decent hit of caffeine too.
This was brought back for me from Canada and the can proudly declares its Canadianness in many places! Taste-wise it’s basically what you’d expect from a generic-brand energy drink – sweet, tart and sickly. What I do find very interesting though is the use of grape juice listed in the ingredients. It’s not often you see actual fruit listed in the ingredients of what is usually a “mixed fruit” flavoured drinks so it has got me thinking, is the main fruit used in other generic energy drinks actually grape?? This might be a mystery solved here…